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The Cutest DIY Country Mailbox Post Idea! {Handmade Amish Mailbox!}
You guys…I am so freaking excited!! It’s like getting an address and installing a mailbox solidifies that the dream of owning our own land has come to fruition after 2 long years of waiting! I feel like I had to come up with a mailbox post idea that really spoke to the future state of what we pictured the land was going to look and feel like. I came up with T.H.E. cutest DIY country mailbox post idea and wanted to share it with you for a bit of inspo!

The Must Have Free App For Book Lovers!
This must have FREE app is the best kept secret for book lovers alike! Libby requires a free download, a county library card and boom!… you are on your way to popular free books, magazines and audiobooks! If you’re an avid reader and book lover click here to find out just how easy it is to get your free books and audiobooks with Libby.

Free Printable Savings Trackers
Have you never been able to fully commit and save consistently? Fear not friends! I got you! Seriously…this IS your year! Print yourself off a few of these FREE printable savings trackers and stick ’em right on your wall!

Grab Your FREE Monthly Budget Spreadsheet!
Our Monthly Budget Spreadsheet includes income and expense tables that do all the adding and subtracting for you! Easily track your spending throughout the month to help you with all your financial goals!
-About Us-
Dave, Ariel & Lea Lastella
Hi there! Thanks for stopping by This Budget Life Blog to check out our itty bitty corner of the internet! We appreciate you stopping by and hope you stay a while to explore some of our ever growing content! This Budget Life was created for couples and families looking to get just a little more information about all things budgeting. From how to save money (even with a family, kids, and some fur babies in tow!) to changing your spending habits to showing you some serious money hacks…we hope to give you our proven budgeting system and ALLL the neat little tips and tricks to help you along the way. The biggest takeaway that we want you to have from our blog is that you don’t have to sacrifice your lifestyle to budget the crap out of your money and live the life you want! We have personally learned it to be quite the opposite- we are living life bigger and better than we could have ever imagined on our budget for the past 8 years. Our goal is to show you that you and your family can do this budget life too!