DIY Country mailbox post idea

The Cutest DIY Country Mailbox Post Idea! {Handmade Amish Mailbox!}

You guys…I am so freaking excited!! It’s like getting an address and installing a mailbox solidifies that the dream of owning our own land has come to fruition after 2 long years of waiting! I feel like I had to come up with a mailbox post idea that really spoke to the future state of what we pictured the land was going to look and feel like. I came up with T.H.E. cutest DIY country mailbox post idea and wanted to share it with you for a bit of inspo!

THIS Is What We Have Been Dreaming About

I can’t believe we are at the point where we are physically writing this down for everyone to see!!! We have dreamed about this for so long! We never thought we would be thinking about making this happen and yet, here we are- looking and planning, running numbers over and over, and going out there to figure out how to make it happen!! OK,OK…so here it goes….. we are putting it out there into the world, into the universe, and hoping we don’t sound like we have gone off our rockers!!…

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